Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Golf and Alzheimer's - Facts and Stats

If you're visiting this website, you're probably already aware, two things that we are passionate about are golf and the battle against Alzheimer's.  In recent years, both have shown an increase in popularity on a global scale, one in a good way and one in a negative way.  Let's take a look at some of the statistics...

60 Million - The number of golfers worldwide
35 Million - The number of Alzheimer's sufferers worldwide

$604 Billion - The total estimated worldwide cost of dementia per year
$62 Billion - The estimated amount of money spent on golf each year

39 years old - Average age of golfers
70 years old - average age of Alzheimer's diagnosis

35% of golfers are over age 50
66% of Azlheimer's sufferers are female
22% of golfers are female

Some of these statistics are shocking to see.  Unfortunately, with the aging 'baby boomers' population, many of the Alzheimer's statistics are expected to increase significantly.  By supporting Alzheimer's research we are hoping to help decrease the number of Alzheimer's sufferers, as well as the extremely high costs associated with patient care.  

Staying active is proven to be a great way to also strengthen mental health condition.  Regardless of your age, golfing is a great way to get some exercise, enjoy the outdoors and be challenged, physically and mentally.  

- "I'll shoot my age if I have to live to be 105" - Bob Hope

- "I’m about five inches from being an outstanding golfer. That’s the distance my left ear is from my right" - Ben Crenshaw

(The stats and figures show above were found from various media publications and may not be 100% accurate.  For more information about Alzheimer's statistics and current information please visit Cure Alzheimer's Fund).

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